Technical Info

Bison Grille Guards are high-strength aluminum frames that are hand-crafted and installed on large commercial trucks to protect against collisions with wild or domestic animals.

Our premium products have allowed truckers to survive high speed collisions with moose, deer, and horses and still to complete their deliveries.

The grille guard protection design is focused on limiting damage to the radiator thereby reducing the chance of the vehicle being immobilized.

S&V uses marine grade extruded 6063-T5 aluminum alloy in the manufacture of its products. The 6000 Series is known for its corrosion resistance, strength, surface quality while offering excellent formability in a heat-treatable alloy with exceptional mechanical properties.

S&V’s Bison Grille Guards are exceptionally strong and provide protection for the vehicle while minimizing downtime.

While strength provides rigidity, our Grille Guard’s effectiveness is achieved by engineering the proper absorption and disbursement of energy. It allows for a strong product and keeps the weight to a minimum.

Aluminum is also elastic, which means that under extreme strain, such as striking an animal at high speed, it absorbs the shock and bends as opposed to breaking.